Caveat: Tree #859

This tree was drawn by me in 2013 and published to this blog originally, here. The title of the drawing was: “girl cavorting in a tree with small aliens.”
I learned a few hours ago that my mother, who lives in Queensland, Australia, is in the hospital ICU. This girl in the tree, above, could be seen as a kind of notional representation of “my mother as child” – something I never saw, obviously, and something where my insights are limited. Yet I recall my mother reacting to this drawing when she saw it with a lot of engagement and interest and maybe a tone of nostalgia, too. There were also other influences, of course: I had a student named Violet, at the time, who often spoke of aliens, so that’s probably where the violet dress came from.
picture[daily log: walking, 3km; retailing, 6hr]

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