Caveat: Space Station Ilsan

Because my working hours are roughly 1pm to 11 pm, my sleeping schedule seems to get easily messed up.   I'll stay up late, and sleep in late, and it will progress until I'm falling out of bed just in time to make it to work, after going to sleep at 5 in the morning.  It's frustrating, because I always feel more productive in the mornings, but I'm happier in the evenings.  So there's trade off.

Weekends get weird, because I end up sort of missing the day.  I'll have a lazy "morning" that stretches from like noon until 4 pm.  And then if I decide to go out, that's when my weekend "day" starts – at around sunset.  That would be great if I liked going to clubs or bars, but I don't do that.  So… and museums are always closed by the time I manage to get motivated to go near one. 

Living in this intensely urban environment, and rarely being out during daylight, it starts to seem like I'm living inside a giant space station.   Which is cool.  But disorienting.

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