Caveat: 남이 떡 먹는데 떡고물 떨어지는 걱정한다

This is an aphorism from my book of aphorisms.

남이 떡 먹는데 떡고물 떨어지는 걱정한다
nam·i tteok meok·neun tteok·go·mul tteol·eo·ji·neun geok·jeong·han·da
other-SUBJ ricecake eat-PRESPART ricecake-powder fall-off-PRESPART worry-PRES
[Like…] Worrying about the powdered covering falling off another person’s cake.

This is to worry about another person’s affairs that have nothing do do with one’s own. People worry too much about other people’s affairs.


고물 = powdered bean or sesame or pea used to coat a sweet rice cake, traditionally eaten as a type of candy.

[daily log: walking, 5.5 km]

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