Caveat: 전설의 고향

I’ve been in a strange mental place, lately. A little bit aimless, for one thing. And I think I’ve got some kind of fall flu, or maybe it’s an allergy of some kind.
I spent a lot of time today doing something I almost never do. I was watching TV. I have the ability to watch a slightly fuzzy version of Korean basic cable – I have a cable plugged into my computer from the wall. I don’t pay for cable, but for whatever reason, I can get low-resolution basic cable from my wall socket in my building. This has been true in every building I’ve lived in (except in Hongnong). But mostly, in recent years, I never watch TV.
But today I did.
I watched low-quality stuff, too: re-runs of iCarly, Lego cartoons, Korean historical dramas that I don’t even know the name of – some guy with an evil laugh and a funny hat. And then I watched several episodes of something called 전설의 고향 (literally ‘home of legends,’ but translated as “Korean Ghost Stories), which appears to be a cross between a Korean historical drama and the Twilight Zone, but with cheesier production quality. I love the sound effects, especially. Here’s a trailer for one of the seasons that I found on youtube.


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