Caveat: Biopsy

As those who are regularly reading my blog know, I've been having some persistent health problems. If you don't want to read more about that topic, stop reading now. Don't read what follows and then complain that I am "over-sharing." Thank you.

I had a biopsy this morning. Maybe I'm fortunate that I live within a few kilometers of one of the best cancer hospitals in Korea. The preliminary diagnosis is that I have a "clearly malignant tumor" at the back of my mouth (near the root of my tongue), but it seems "early stage." They took a (very painful) biopsy this morning, and I will return next week for more tests.

Over the last several weeks, it has become increasingly difficult to eat comfortably – it has become painful to chew or swallow. I will look at it as an opportunity to lose some weight. Fortunately, so far, it doesn't affect my ability to talk – that would be quite terrible, since talking is my livelihood (being a language teacher, and all). Uh… knock-on-wood.

I went with my boss and friend Curt. Sometimes, his Buddhism shows through strongly: he said, as we were driving back, "Don't worry, Jared. Life is nothing."

I said I agree with that philosophy, but that living it is more difficult than believing it.

One effect this development is likely to have: I have suddenly been forced to set aside completely any thought of not renewing my contract in September. Why? Because working at KarmaPlus and staying in Korea is my Health Insurance. I spent $50 today but without insurance it would have been several hundred easily. And in the US, based on what I know, it would have been $1000 without insurance.

I'll keep people updated via this blog.


  1. Brenda

    Jared, I’m so sorry that you are going through this.I wish I could offer more than my thoughts, prayers and a shoulder/support if you’d want it. I wish you restored health very soon -B

  2. Wendy Miller

    Oh my goodness…did not expect that bit of news. My thoughts are with you and whatever I can do, though I know it is not much from here. I am surrounded by people who are “healing” from illnesses and surgeries, so I say to you, “HEAL, DAMMIT, HEAL I SAY”! Bow wow and the rest of it! I love you Jared. Love, Wendy

  3. Jeff

    Hoping you get better. Sorry I’m such a pain to get a hold of, please keep me posted on any developments. I still care about you and will try to pay more attention to my emails.

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