Caveat: Carinya Day

It’s Monday morning, 7:30 AM, in Far North Queensland. Yesterday, being Sunday, was a bit of a do-nothing day. I went and hung out with Ann at the hospital. There was a new nurse on the ward who hit it off with Ann really well, so I was mostly just off on the margins.

Today is a big day – she starts her “respite” (3 week visit) at the Carinya care facility. This is something my sister and I had set up for Ann last year, and the date just happens to coincide with this recent crisis. The hospital has urged us to take advantage of it, even though Carinya will most likely not have a permanent spot for Ann, and even though she might very well end up returning to the hospital after her stay, unless we can have something lined up for her.

I’m running a bit late, now. So more later.

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