Caveat: Tree #1057

This tree (excuse me, what tree? – the one on that island way in the distance, which you take on faith) saw the sun set at the “62 pit” turnout on the Port Saint Nicholas Road.
When Art and I were in town this afternoon, I stopped by the gift shop, and Arthur actually came in and was sociable for a while. Jan took this picture of him as he came behind the counter at my frame-shop work area.
picture[daily log: walking, 4km; dogwalking, 4km; snow shovelling, 2hr; slip-sliding in a giant Chevy Tahoe, 1.5hr]

One comment

  1. pam post

    neat pic of you two. glad Jan took it and that you shared. Art didn’t talk long the other night but Dean remarked that he sounded like his old self. warmed Dean’s heart.

    adventures in the snow are never ending. when I was in anchorage, ages ago, we ran studded tires all winter. course it was all snow pack we were driving on and not slushy like your roads appear to be. i found more challenges with walking on it than driving!

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