Caveat: think of his feelings…

At what age is it appropriate…
To tell my dog he is adopted?

One comment

  1. David

    There are some who would say “never”, because emphasizing that they are somehow inherently different in a way that they can never change and that you might love them less by virtue of that difference would plague them for the rest of their life. The dog might think that it is perfectly normal for a dog to be the child of a human; they often see plenty of such relationships in their neighborhood.
    There are some who would say “as soon as possible”. Of course the dog has long realized that they are utterly different, is not your natural offspring, and has accordingly developed a damaging feeling of insecurity on account of your apprehension to openly speak about it.
    Tough question.
    That being said, I admit I belong to the second camp. But you gotta show that dog plenty of love.

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