Caveat: 호랑이 보고 창구멍 막기

I found this aphorism in my aphorism book.

호랑이 보고 창구멍 막기
ho.rang.i bo.go
tiger see-CONJ window-hole block-GER
[Like] blocking the hole in the window after seeing the tiger.

The “hole in the window” refers to the old-style paper windows, which are translucent but not transparent. People would poke holes in them, to be able to look out. So the tiger is right there – you see him through the hole in the window. To be safe, you block the hole. Good plan.
Basically, this might be the same as the American proverb “A day late, a dollar short.” A moment when it’s too late to solve some problem or prepare for some dangerous contingency.
[daily log: walking, 3km]

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