Caveat: Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly

This "vine" (a new-ish, looping video format that is gif-like) was circulating on the intertubes this morning.


This is Elon Musk's effort (well, his company's effort) to land the new SpaceX rocket on a column-of-flame+feet, like in old science fiction stories. Some internet wags (i.e. the Register, where I like to go for my tech news) were calling it "Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly," which strikes me as a wonderful euphemism.

This is just the first try of a production model (and no one was hurt, and the International Space Station nevertheless received its payload without problem), so as failures go, it was pretty minor, I'd say. They'll get it working, I suspect.

And then, finally, we will be living in the future, because rockets will be taking off and landing the way they are supposed to, finally.

[daily log: walking, 6 km]

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