Caveat: Dreaming in SQL

— I awoke from a dream this morning muttering,
— "Well, I better to get to work
— on that data warehouse."

— The dream was one of those SQL coding dreams I used
— to have a lot, when I was working as an SQL coder.
— Screens filled with half-written SQL queries written
— against the infamous ARAMARK datawarehouse (or my
— surreptitious 2 terabyte copy of it that was running
— on the "National Accounts Stealth Server" that I'd
— constructed under my desk), in which I'd denormalized
— the database to speed up pivot table queries of
— various kinds. Dreams filled with feelings of anxiety
— and urgency and frustration. I almost never have
— those dreams, anymore – I haven't done a single
— line of programming in almost 5 years, now. I'm a
— happier and more balanced person, because of
— it (though not perfect, oh no, I know).

— But sometimes dreams do weird things, and this
— early dawn, as my cold medicine wore off (I'm combatting
— an unpleasant flu currently), I was plunged
— into a vivid relapse of my database-hacking days. And I
— awoke with a sense that I was behind on some ill-defined
— but very important project, some report due
— that day and the queries were running too slow, some
— effort to find some ineluctable fragment of
— information or some anomalous, dangerous data point
— that the sales people insisted shouldn't exist and
— would embarrass us in front of the customer, but
— lo and behold, there it was glaring up from the
— spreadsheet.

— I made some of my Brazilian instant coffee, and
— ate toast and an apple for breakfast.

— Below is a dummy query from a SQL educational
— website. Just to give a flavor or my dreaming.
DECLARE @PivotColumnHeaders VARCHAR(MAX)

SELECT @PivotColumnHeaders =
  @PivotColumnHeaders + ',[' + [MonthName] + ']',
  '[' + [MonthName] + ']'
FROM dummy.dbo.ListMonthNames()
ORDER BY monthid

SET @PivotTableSQL = N'
   YEAR(OrderDate) [Year],
   DATENAME(MONTH, OrderDate) as [Month],
  FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
 ) TableDate
  FOR [Month] IN (
   ' + @PivotColumnHeaders + '
 ) PivotTable
— What I'm listening to, right now.
— Kray Van Kirk, "You to me." There's no youtube or other
— online video for this song. So… find your own copy – his
— music is free from his website (I wonder… I should make my
— own youtube. I wonder if he would object?

Caveat: Free-Will Inspection

Koreans (like most Asians) often wear T-shirts with incomprehensible English on them. It's like the clothing companies have hired unemployed Nigerian spamists to write their T-shirt slogans. I wish I took a picture of the phrase I saw today. I was walking to work earlier and saw one of those modern Korean dads – pushing the baby stroller, talking on his cell phone, dressed super-casually in jeans and T-shirt.

But then, in large maroon letters on the back of his shirt, it said, "Free-Will Inspection." I didn't get to see the front.

But I wonder what "Free-Will Inspection" is supposed to be. How does it work? If I decided to undergo Free-Will Inspection, would I get a positive result? If I flunk my Free-Will Inspection, does that mean I have a free will or don't have a free will? Which is the preferable outcome?

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