Caveat: minus

[broken link! FIXME] Untitled 1_html_m36760a09I guess winter has arrived – it's almost noon and the official temperature is below freezing. I'm not sure I'm totally happy with the quality of the heating in my apartment… I'm going have to mess with the thermostat.

I like winter, and like cold weather, but I don't necessarily like the feeling that I can't get warm. I think part of it is that still not entirely gone flu-like thing I was struggling with.

Ok. Enough griping. More later.


Caveat: Dem Bones

Teaching first graders is so often an utterly hit-or-miss proposition. I'll come up with a game or lesson plan that I think is a good idea, and it will be a flop. I'll be improvising, and suddenly have the best class ever.

Recently, with my Tuesday kids, I found an unexpected hit with the video and song, below. I had showed them a different youtube video, and they saw the icon for the little skeleton down in the corner, and were saying "해골 해골" ["skeleton skeleton"]. So I followed the link – maybe it was a good song?

Maybe they'd seen it in school or something. We watched video (and watched it again, and again, and again, because that's how it is with first-graders), and the look of concentration as they tried to follow along and say the words to the song was precious.

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