Caveat: Goodbye, Town

Today was the last day of my “summer camp” classes.  I was so pleased with how much my sixth-grade class (which actually included not just sixth graders but at least one fifth grader, one fourth grader, and a third grader, too) seemed to like the project.  We made a town, on the bulletin board, using construction paper, with scissors and crayons and pens.  And using dice, we played a game, running businesses, having disasters, earning money, buying and selling land.  We even had a stock market.
It was a small class.  All the regulars showed up for the last day.  We liquified assets, and I sold them “real world” stickers and candy.  $200 bought a miniature chocolate bar, and $300 got a small sheet of smileyface stickers.  We disassembled the town.
Here is a video I made, this morning, before that end.  The girls’ ability-levels are highly varied, but they all understood the main ideas, and got into the project.


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