Caveat: The View From Your Window

Andrew Sullivan has a feature on his blog (at The Atlantic magazine’s website) called “The View From Your Window,” where he invites people to send unstaged photos of views from their windows, and he publishes them in his blog. He’s even compiled these photos and put them into a book.

A few months back, I emailed a photo I had taken from the window in my classroom at Hongnong. I had posted the photo on my blog, on June 17. I didn’t really expect the photo to be published in Sullivan’s blog. But he did. Now I can say that my photography has been published on The Atlantic‘s website.

[UPDATE 2024-04-18: Of course, in the fullness of time, The Atlantic’s link rotted. Mine did too, actually, but I was able to fix mine. Anyway, you can’t see that view from my window on Sullyblog, anymore. Sully long moved on and became right-wingier and irrelevant.]

Caveat: Goodbye, Town

Today was the last day of my “summer camp” classes.  I was so pleased with how much my sixth-grade class (which actually included not just sixth graders but at least one fifth grader, one fourth grader, and a third grader, too) seemed to like the project.  We made a town, on the bulletin board, using construction paper, with scissors and crayons and pens.  And using dice, we played a game, running businesses, having disasters, earning money, buying and selling land.  We even had a stock market.
It was a small class.  All the regulars showed up for the last day.  We liquified assets, and I sold them “real world” stickers and candy.  $200 bought a miniature chocolate bar, and $300 got a small sheet of smileyface stickers.  We disassembled the town.
Here is a video I made, this morning, before that end.  The girls’ ability-levels are highly varied, but they all understood the main ideas, and got into the project.


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