Caveat: Much sorwe I walkë with

Foulës in the frith,
The fishës in the flod,
And I mon waxë wod;
Much sorwe I walkë with
For beste of bon and blod.

– An anonymous, Middle-English lyric poem from around 1300 CE. We each walk with much sorrow.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: Poem #620 “Demonstrated wisdom at age 13”

I put her there, in front of class. I said,
"You're teacher - boss!" The boys in back were bad,
They joked, and made the rudest sounds. She stood,
With folded arms and grave aplomb and verve:
"If you don't mind, I'd like to go on now."
For all the world an old hand at these things.
In fact she showed more wisdom than I do,
In such soft voice, at such an age - thirteen.

– some lines of blank verse (iambic pentameter).

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