Caveat: Califerne

Many people don't realize that the name of my birth state has a rather unusual etymology. California was named by Spanish explorers after a fictional place, which is named in a novel they were familiar with, Las sergas de Esplandián, by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. Montalvo, in turn, made up the name, probably under the influence of La Chanson de Roland, from a few centuries earlier, where we can read,

Morz est mis nies, ki tant me fist cunquere
Encuntre mei revelerunt li Seisne,
E Hungre e Bugre e tante gent averse,
Romain, Puillain et tuit icil de Palerne
E cil d'Affrike e cil de Califerne;

I suppose these medieval and renaissance authors were trying to evoke the "enemy" of Christiandom, i.e. the Caliphate. Thus California has the same "conceptual etymology" as ISIS, via a very different path.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: 노동자연대 and other activities

Yesterday after working in the morning, I took the subway into Seoul and met my friend Peter. We hung out for a few hours.
There were a lot of protests going on in downtown Seoul. Along Jong-no (the ancient, main east-west drag in downtown Seoul), we saw these protesters and a very disproportionate number of police.
I guess some are protesting about the president’s impeachment. Others are protesting the endemic corruption that the president’s impeachment seems to represent. There will be elections in about 6 weeks, so some people are protesting just because it seems like a good time to protest. It’s part of Korean culture, to a certain extent.
The group above is “leftish” – the red banner with yellow letters, on the right, reads 노동자연대 [nodongjayeondae], which means “Workers’ Solidarity.”
[daily log: walking, 1km]

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