Caveat: 포기할 수 없는 이유

The Seoul subway sometimes has these poems posted in various spots, in places where you might also see advertising. I saw this poem and I admit it struck me because it was offered with an English translation – otherwise I would have probably disregarded it.
Below is the poem, and the translation provided.

포기할 수 없는 이유

뒤처졌다고 분노하거나 좌절해서는 안 됩니다.
앞서 가는 자의 뒷모습도 소중한 교훈입니다.
포기하지 않는 당신도 누군가의 길이 될 것입니다.
– 이원준 (시인 / 소설가)

The Reason Not to Give Up

You should not be angry or frustrated even if you are falling behind.
The person walking ahead is also a valuable lesson.
You who do not give up will also be a way for someone.
– Lee, Won-jun (poet / novelist); translated by Kim, Sun-ae

What I’m listening to right now.

Kaija Saaraho, “Sept Papillons pour violoncelle.”

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