caveat: aboard the imperial battle cruiser

i think the architect of the main hospital building here at the cancer center was taking inspiration from the lines and shapes of star wars imperial battle cruisers. with the tropical rainy monsoon of summer outside, its easy to imagine weve crash landed on an endorian moon and are awaiting repairs.


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caveat: photo from orbit 1

my friend mary is visiting and i gave her my camera and she was effective following me around and taking pictures. blogposting by email limits me to one photo per post so i will make some entries about various things in photos. my life in the cancer ward. “orbit” refers to habit of walking a large circle the circumference of the tenth floor.

first picture. one of the wonderful kind nurses.


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caveat: it worked!

i knew if i got cancer someone would finally come visit me. my brother andrew arrived bedraggled and jetlagged, this evening. now theres more than one way in korea.


so my secret plan worked.

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