Caveat: El Kabong Borrows from the Middle Class

I love El Kabong so much. He is my favorite cartoon character from my childhood. Here is a more contemporary re-imagining of the El Kabong mythos.

Heheh, mythos. I used "el kabong" and "mythos" in the same sentence.

That's weird, isn't it?

More originally, here is an old one, in which El Kabong battles Walker de Plank.

A memorable quote:

El Kabong never quits.
He rights wrongs,
punishes oppressors,
gives to the poor,
robs from the rich,
borrows from the middle class!

Caveat: 한 가랑이에 두 다리를 넣는다

한  가랑이에       두  다리를    넣는다

one pant-leg-LOC two leg-OBJ put-PRES
[Someone] is putting two legs in one pant-leg.

This might be the slapstick of proverbs. Or the comic relief. I guess the idea is that a person gets nervous and tries to put on pants and fails, putting two legs into one pant-leg. It’s a bit like Laurel and Hardy… or the picture at right.

The word 가랑이 means “crotch” or “inseam” in the dictionary, but I could see it being extended to the idea of the pant-leg. I could never understand why in English, a pant-leg couldn’t simply be called a “pant.”


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Caveat: es un y es mil

pictureMi espíritu y mi cuerpo

tienen siempre
    loca sed

de esos mundos nuevos
que voy creando sin cesar

y de las cosas
y de los elementos
y de los seres

y de esa sed admirable
nace el poder creador

y es fuego
que no resiste mi cuerpo
que en continua

de juventud
de carne
y de espíritu
es un y es mil

insaciable sed…

– Nahui Olin

Carmen Mondragón (que se llamaba con el seudónimo Nahui Olin) era una poeta y artista mexicana, activa en los años 20 y 30, pero vivió desde 1893 hasta 1978.

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