Caveat: 절약이 돈 버는 것

절약이       돈     버는              것

thrift-SUBJ money make[money]-PART thing
Thrift is a money-making thing.
“A penny saved is a penny earned.” Well, yes, the whole frugality thing, right?
I have good days and bad days, on that. Certainly, I try to live within my means, even as my “means” have been cut by about 75% over the last half decade. I made the decision, at some point, that money wasn’t the main thing in my life. But it still has to be dealt with – managed.

Caveat: ie? ei?

before e, except when you run a feisty heist on a weird beige foreign
neighbor" – seen on the internet.

Sounds like a national security
problem to me.

I'm tired.

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