Caveat: …for endings, as it is known, are where we begin

Yesterday, yes, a day of ending things.  I finished reading a novel: Murakami's Kafka on the Shore.  That's been an "in progress" book for… almost a year.   I finished reading a novella, too:  Seo Hajin's Hong Gildong (in translation; not the medieval Korean novel, nor the modern TV reinterpretation – rather, a modernist novella with a thematically related character).  I'm not that good at finishing books, these days, so these are major accomplishments.

[broken link! FIXME] Pdimages Lastly, I finished watching the episodes of season 2 of the TV series Pushing Daisies.  It's kind of inconsistent in quality, but it's by the same guy who created Dead Like Me, which was a very underrated series with some similar themes.   Really well written, for the most part, and funny.  The narrator, in his concluding words at the close of season 2: "…for endings, as it is known, are where we begin."

I suppose yesterday was the kind of day where I live up to just how boring my life seems.  But I'm OK with it being boring, for now.

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