Caveat: You Might Wanna Get This Kid Some Help

A boy who I will not name wrote the following "essay."  Note that he's at the lowest level here at the hagwon – he's not an advanced English speaker, and this essay in fact was showing a lot of initiative and innovative language use relative to his normal level.

For my next shrek party I have a die an I'm are zombie.  I eat a shrek delicious stomach.  Good!  Ghost appear on my 가스레인지 [gas range] and die an die and die an die and die and die an die an die an die an I like die I like die I want a die I want a die I want a suicide I want a suicide I'm sad.  An bye-bye.

I realize 5th graders often have rather morbid senses of humor, but this seemed pretty intense.  He smiled as he read it for me, if that's any consolation.  I remember writing such morbid things at that age, not that I was necessarily developmentally on an particularly even keel, either.  I normally didn't give such writings to my teachers though.

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