Caveat: Ke$ha Redux – by the Simpsons

[broken link! FIXME] Keshas_html_m20ff53e7 I swear, it's utter coincidence.  Otherwise, you'd think I was developing a minor obsession. Yesterday, [broken link! FIXME] I mentioned Ke$ha in this here blog thingy, in the context of pretentious marxist philosophers and her possibly-related war against pretension.

Meanwhile, I had set my mind to watch episode 20 of season 21 of the Simpsons.  Why, specifically, that episode?  Because I had heard that it's the episode in which Lisa Simpson joins a debate team, and that seemed relevant to my work on designing a debate curriculum for my work.  My students love the Simpsons almost universally, and so the idea of showing a "Simpsons Debate" struck me as a fun way to approach the subject.

Lo, and behold, look what the episode's couch gag was:  the Springfieldites reprising Ke$ha's "Tik Tok."  With the added benefit of being less NSFW.

Caveat: Spagga & La Raza – Nueva York (with a digression on manhattany density)

What I'm listening to right now.

Well, that's a new problem, for this new Background Noise "feature" of mine:  I couldn't find a youtube for the particular track I was listening to.  So, being the resourceful type, I made one.  I can't find the lyrics for this song online, either.  I might try to transcribe it at some point, I think it's pretty interesting for Nuyorican Rap. 

[broken link! FIXME] Nueva york sign - Copy The pictures I added to the video are lame – I was in a hurry, and I just slapped in a few pics I found via the goog.  The last picture is something I found that's not even in NYC, it's in Chile, but it seemed like a good picture to put on at the end.

To change the subject a little bit, but still on the topic of Nueva York, I was thinking some more about [broken link! FIXME] my entry the other day about "all the world's people in one city" – questions of density.  Here's the fascinating thing.  Paris was the densest city mentioned in that graphic I posted at that last entry.

But I thought to myself, surely there are places more dense than Paris.  And of course, listening to Spagga & friend, this evening, I thought:  Of course!  Manhattan!

I ran the numbers.  If all the people in the world lived in a city of Manhattan's density they would fit in an area almost exactly the same size as… get this… South Korea.  Interesting, huh?  Can you imagine this entire mountainous little republic covered in high rises?  It's pretty easy to do – they've made a heckuva start on it already.

[broken link! FIXME] Images

Caveat: You Might Wanna Get This Kid Some Help

A boy who I will not name wrote the following "essay."  Note that he's at the lowest level here at the hagwon – he's not an advanced English speaker, and this essay in fact was showing a lot of initiative and innovative language use relative to his normal level.

For my next shrek party I have a die an I'm are zombie.  I eat a shrek delicious stomach.  Good!  Ghost appear on my 가스레인지 [gas range] and die an die and die an die and die and die an die an die an die an I like die I like die I want a die I want a die I want a suicide I want a suicide I'm sad.  An bye-bye.

I realize 5th graders often have rather morbid senses of humor, but this seemed pretty intense.  He smiled as he read it for me, if that's any consolation.  I remember writing such morbid things at that age, not that I was necessarily developmentally on an particularly even keel, either.  I normally didn't give such writings to my teachers though.

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