Caveat: What Happened?

Did I stop blogging?

I spent the weekend with my friend Mr Kim.  He invited me to spend time with his family – which, in the almost-year that I've known him, is a first.  Mostly, before, we go hiking, stuff like that.

I'll share more later.  The positive – nothing leaves me feeling more positive about this ongoing Korean experiment than spending time immersed in Korean day-to-day life.  The negative – I think I'm a little bit sick.  I got home and passed out – asleep at 4 in the afternoon.  I haven't had that happened with me in ages.

Meanwhile, here is a picture seen outside a bar on Saturday night – very loosely translated, it means "Pissing prohibitted – big brother is watching"

  [broken link! FIXME] Gj 001

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