Caveat: 18) 성냄으로 인해 악연이 된 인연들에게 참회하며 절합니다

This is #18 out of a series of [broken link! FIXME] 108 daily Buddhist affirmations that I am attempting to translate with my hands tied behind my back (well not really that, but I’m deliberately not seeking out translations on the internet, using only dictionary and grammar).

16. [broken link! FIXME] 내가 저지른 모든 죄를 망각한 채 살아 온 어리석음을 참회하며 절합니다.
       “I bow in repentance of any foolishness lived, forgetting any sins committed.”
17. [broken link! FIXME] 전생 , 금생 , 내생의 업보를 소멸하기 위해 지극한 마음으로 참회하며 절합니다.
       “I bow in repentance with a sincere heart, taking care to destroy the karma of my past, current and future lives.”

18. 성냄으로 인해 악연이 된 인연들에게 참회하며 절합니다.

I would read this eighteenth affirmation as:  “I bow in repentance of the ties that become like an evil destiny due to anger.”
Anger.  Anger-with-self?  That’s my vice.  Destiny?  Do I believe that?
Walking familiar paths.

Caveat: Gift Kimchi

My coteacher Ms Ryu gave me some homemade kimchi (by her mom, not by her, I think).  I took it home – I got a ride home with Mr Lee, the "vice-vice" principal.  The sun set.  I made some kimchibokkeumbap (kimchi fried rice).  I'm tired – the day was eventless, because all my classes were cancelled, because of a giant test that was taking place.  Such is life working in a Korean school.  I tried to plan out some lessons for the future.  I studied Korean for about 2 hours.  Really.  It might snow tomorrow. 

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