Caveat: 홍농이나 목포

Today, I went out to Hongnong to hang out with my FFT (“fellow foreign teacher”) and experienced severe apartment envy.  Not only do I envy the fact that she lives within walking distance of work, but also her apartment is just as big as mine and much cleaner and brighter (more and better windows) than mine.  Ah well… such random inequities are inevitable, right?  I will try to focus on the positives of my apartment in Yeonggwang.  It’s more centrally located and convenient to a marketplace and bus station.  And it doesn’t have Jehovah’s Witnesses lurking about on Saturday mornings – we shooed some off at her place this morning.
Anyway… I wanted to walk up the mountain west of Hongnong, but she wasn’t interested.  I’ll do that on my own, some other time, I guess.
Here is a picture of Hongnong Middle School, seen from the main drag.  Note the rural character of the community.  Heh.


Meanwhile, here are some pictures of my long walk around Mokpo yesterday.





[This is a “back-post” added 2010-05-09]

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