Caveat: “Wait a minute!”


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Caveat: Already Amazing!

I have a little self-inking rubber stamp that I use to "sign" my students' homework, as it goes faster and the kids think the stamp is fun.  The one I'm currently using says "AMAZING!" and has a picture of something vaguely resembling a dragon (or perhaps an alligator).  So it's all part of a theme, I suppose.

Today I was in my "Mayflower"-level class, which is the lowest level I teach, currently.   So there are sometimes challenges in communication.  I was going to stamp my student Ellen's workbook, but she put her hand up very seriously and said "teacher, I'm already amazing."  That was pretty good English, for a level that often struggles to put together a sentence.  And she used the adverb correctly, too ("already").

So I answered, "yes, I can see you are amazing.  That was amazing!"  And I stamped her book three times, rapidly, which everyone thought was hilarious.

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