Caveat: 저는 위키백과 ♥

Which is to say, ”I♥Wikipedia” (roughly… seems to me, the heart should go at the end in Korean, since that’s the verb, right? And… what about endings? Should it end in “-♥요”? “-♥해요”?) What exactly does the heart stand for – the whole verb, including endings? Or just the semantic root. These are harder to resolve in Korean, than in English, maybe. Then again, basically, the heart works like Chinese.
Anyway, back to 위키백과 (wikipaekgwa = wiki encyclopedia i.e. wikipedia). There was an awesome review of it by Noam Cohen in the New York Times.

Caveat: Make up a story…

I have the flu. Bad. Fever and cough, yesterday. Argh.
pictureOn a news website, an ad for Bloomberg caught my attention. It’s a riff on the commonplace that things get lost in translation (a la the children’s game “telephone”). Still, the specific example was clever (if accurate, and… who knows?).  I will reproduce it, thus giving them some free advertising.  But, whatever.
[Start] English: Get your facts right at the source
[ –> ] Italian: Ricava le tue informazioni vere direttamente dalla fonte
[ –> ] Chinese: … .. ..
[ –> ] English: Make up a story and run to the motherland
I didn’t really make much effort to copy the Chinese.  I had a hard time copying this.  I don’t know Chinese, but I can read fragments, because of my efforts to study Korean hanja. Notes:
故 = 고 (chinese meaning is “therefore”)
故事[story? but korean is 고사 = historical folktale or tradition, fable?]
“Talent is not the same as intelligence.” – Me (and probably someone else, too).
“The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.” – Edsger W. Dijkstra
“Absentem qui rodit amicum, qui non defendit, alio culpante; hic niger est; hunc tu, Romane, caveto” – Horace

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