Caveat: Dropping Like Flies

With the turnover to a new month, RingGuAPoReomEoHagWon has lost some students, and everyone (meaning Curt and Pete, really) seems to be in a dead panic over the loss of population.

On the one hand, I feel that we should have expected some losses as the school adopted its new management, policies and curricula – it's a big change from what the School of Tomorrow was, and I'm sure some of the students and/or parents were disappointed. 

On the other hand, I have my paranoia that I'm personally doing something wrong.  My insecurities.  There was a bit of a scandal around the PF class last week, involving the crisis I alluded to the other day – when they complained about how boring I was.  The class has other issues, I remain convinced – but as of today, I'm no longer teaching them – so we shall see, I guess. 

Caveat: Debucklified

William F. Buckley died the other day.  I used to idolize that guy.  Not sure quite why… he was an arrogant ass, for the most part, although he had a pretty good command of language.

I have a vivid memory of watching a videotape of him and Reagan debating the idea of the return of the Panama Canal to the Panamanian government for my debate class in high school, and thinking they were about as intellectually mismatched as two men could be.  Yet they shared a great deal, in terms of political philosophy. 

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